Case Studies | Data Flow Systems

Cooper City, FL


Cooper City, an 8.3-square-mile bedroom community about 15 miles southwest of Fort Lauderdale, FL, is a municipal corporation created by a Special Act of the Florida Legislature in 1959. Cooper City’s wastewater collection system consists of 479,535 linear feet (LF) of gravity mains and 176,344 LF of force mains, 2,201 manholes, 83 lift stations, and one wastewater treatment plant that processes 2.5 million gallons a day (MGD).

With positive outcomes using the TCU001, Cooper City upgraded 81 units to TCU800s in 2024 to gain even more specific situational data, including the time and duration of an incident. The TCU800 processes faster, has a touch screen and improved graphic interface, and more inputs for up to 300 million amps.

Case Studies | Data Flow Systems