Case Studies | Data Flow Systems

Pompano Beach, FL


Pompano Beach covers 25 square miles near Florida’s eastern shoreline, midway between Miami and Palm Beach and has a year-round population of 101,500 residents. Pompano’s population swells to more than 150,000 when part-time residents return for the summer.

The Pompano Beach Wastewater Pumping Division (PBWWP) serves the city’s residents by maintaining 59 miles of gravity and force main sewer pipes, 82 lift stations, more than 4,300 manholes, and one wastewater treatment facility.

Using the Data Flow monitoring systems, PBWWP has optimized its pump station operation and SSOs have decreased. The SSO reduction was aided by intel from daily pump reports, alarm configurations, and improved response times. Additionally, the utility has saved money and improved community relations and minimized environmental infractions due to SSOs.

Case Studies | Data Flow Systems